Ephemera Nexus

A funky little website with a blog and some tutorials for making the internet better.



Hi there! Welcome to the EPHEMERA NEXUS. Things are under construction right now, but eventually this will contain a “blog” (read: poorly maintained collection of rambles), and a wiki, which should be better-maintained and host some guides and stuff for un-fucking your personal experience of the internet.

A Wiki, You Say?

Yep! I do a lot of work to make my personal computing and internet experience not suck, and I wanna help other people do the same. I often see friends and strangers alike complaining about how rough some specific aspect of their experience is with Windows/Google/etc., and I always feel bad when I don’t have the time to throw a couple links their way. The wiki will be a place for me to consolidate guides and resources for fixing some of the more common problems I see regularly.

While there are definitely other good guides all over the place, I’m opinionated and like doing things (especially unnecessary things). Plus, I wanna give something back to the world of open-source software and information that I’ve benefited from for so long, and this felt like a solid start with my skillset. 🤷

AND a Blog?

Yes, also that. I’ve always been in love with the idea of running a blog, and there are several of my previous attempts probably still floating around the internet somewhere. But, I’ve always had trouble sticking to the habit, so I’m going to try and ease off my expectations a bit here and just keep things casual. Only time will tell, I suppose.

Also, hey

Look at those cool badges down there! God I love those things. Working on getting more. Also, this site is part of the BRUH ZONE webring. Like this site it is also not finished yet so you will probably encounter some dead links, but yeah! Check those cool people out.