Ephemera Nexus

A funky little website with a blog and some tutorials for making the internet better.


A little more about this little website

What’s going on here?

This is a work-in-progress site that will eventually house some sort of blog, as well as a wiki with some guides to common problems faced by computer and internet users today.

Why all this effort?

A few reasons:

One, I want to take part in the whole “personal web revival” movement spurred on by places like NeoCities, YesterWeb, federated social networking, and the general state of computing and the internet. That’s been on my radar for quite some time.

Two, I want to be able to contribute something back to the open-source information and software communities that I’ve benefited from for decades, as well as the people in my physical and digital life. I’m still not great at programming in general, but I do a lot of personal writing and documentation, so I figured something like this was a good start for my skillset.

Who are you?

My name is Riley, known better as SonarMonkey or the Vibe Comptroller. I’m an IT professional and hobbyist, doing this for fun and learning. Eventually there will be some kind of contact form somewhere on this site, but until then that’s all I got.

What else do you do?

Most recently, I’ve been getting into Nix(OS), and you can see my progress on that over on my public configuration. That github also houses a few other projects in various states of abandonment, as well as this website right here!


Most of the other stuff besides me that made this site possible: