Ephemera Nexus

A funky little website with a blog and some tutorials for making the internet better.

First Site Updates

Roughing out the smooth edges

Published on 2024-08-02 by SignPaintr4evr

We’re Online

After a bit more tweaking, the EPHEMERA NEXUS is fully up. It even has some fancy buttons, and is incorporated into the (partially complete) BRUH ZONE webring!

Overall, I’m very happy with how things are going so far. In the past, I’ve used pre-made theme packages, but I think that took some of the potential joy out of site-crafting. The layout you see here is almost entirely handwritten by me!

Not everything is completely original, though, and I wanna shout-out some of the excellent work incorporated here:

  1. The color palette is of course the wonderful Rosé Pine, which you can learn more about at rosepinetheme.com.

  2. The glitch effect found on the 404 page was written by Kay Dev on Codepen and works quite nicely.

  3. The webring was set up by fellow BRUH ZONE member friday-girl.neocities.org using a neat little Javascript webring creator called Linkcircle.

  4. The site itself is built with my new favorite static site generator Zola which is very cool because (among other things) it is a single executable with no external dependencies.

  5. All of the info and documentation I had to figure out to build this site, as well as those fun little buttons below, are from all over the internet. You can fine out more on the About page of this website!

Next Steps

While I will probably never consider the basic layout and appearance of this site “finished”, there are definitely some things to do to get it closer.

For one, I need to improve the responsiveness and accessibility of the site. The mobile experience isn’t bad, but there are a few elements where the text re-flowing gets a little odd. Accessibility-wise, I’m going to run the site through a few checkers and improve the “semantic-ness” of the HTML. I’m also learning about ARIA but I’m not sure if I’ll go in that direction.

Secondly, I’m not entirely happy with the overall layout. There are a few more things I want to add or improve, and I’m not sure if this single-column situation will look good once I’ve added some more to the site. That will be an evolving thing, but at the very least I think a sidebar column may be in order.

There’s some other tweaks here and there that I’d like to get done as well. The favicon, for example, was made in about 40 seconds in Aseprite to check if that functionality was working. I want way more badges in that lil section down there. I may add another webring or two. Etc.

Uhhhh that’s all for now! Stay tuned y’all.

- the Sign Painter